The midnight hour of 15th August 1947 saw the celebrations of a country which had acquired its independence after relentless struggle.The speech given by the first Prime minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru was the promise of a new ray of hope for the people of his country whose aspirations for a brighter future were just turned into reality.But this was just the beginning as the people of this free India had the task of taking this country forward and give its children a much brighter future and comfortable life.
When we see the progress of our country after 68 years of independence we often find our country in a situation where it enjoys second position in the world in IT industry,second largest armed forces in the world,second largest cell phone users,third largest internet users,seventh largest area and fifth in world rankings of GDP growth rate.With second largest population in the world of 1.252 billion and considered as hardworking and smart workforce in the world,the citizens of our country had the power to change the fortunes from which they had been deprived off during the colonial rule in India.But today we face challenges like overpopulation,poverty,illiteracy,crime against women and children,communal issues,corruption and so on.The list is endless but grievances of a common man are seldom entertained by those who are elected by us to serve the country through their judgement guided by the Constitution of India.And more than anything else,a question which doesn't strike us but is very essential to be answered is that 'Is this freedom forgotten??????'
And the answer is 'YES',the freedom for which our ancestors dedicated their lives and souls has been taken for granted by us.This freedom was obtained at the cost of the lives of numerous heroes who gave even the last drop of their blood to the struggle for independence of this great nation and due to which we today stand as the largest democracy in the world.The same freedom has been forgotten by the modern Indians who are busy in satisfying their selfish motives in their day to day life.However,we are reminded of this freedom on national holidays and in speeches of our politicians so that they can extract their share of votes by deceiving the citizens of our country.
Today we are yet again slaves to our own mentality right from choosing our representatives to enjoying the rights given to us by this great Constitution of India.We feel all politicians are corrupt and we choose the one who we hope is less corrupt.At the time of elections,we see an ideal picture of our nation in the promises of politicians but illusions become very clear when these promises are not implemented when the person is elected.After scams and scams we criticize them but at the end we adapt to the situation blaming them for the debacle.But Do we play our part well?? The answer is a big 'NO' because if these politicians are corrupt,its because we don't take a stand against them.Our youngsters restrain themselves from joining politics considering it as not a good option.We boast that we have equal rights for all.But what about equal opportunities???? because rights without opportunities are worthless and many are denied of these opportunities due to discrimination on basis of gender,religion,caste,creed and various socio-economic factors.Even the schemes that can benefit our people cannot be implemented as they become victims of unrest among various religions.We blame others for doing wrong things and we don't bring the change hoping that one person cannot change the world.
This needs to change and we need to change it.Once we have a sense of mutual respect for each other,we can win over others because conquering someone is not something that we inherit from our great civilization.And at that moment this Forgotten freedom will achieve its true value.
"India is,the cradle of human race,the birth place of human speech,the mother of history,the grandmother of legend,and the great grandmother of tradition.Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only"
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